Introducing the Pikachu GIFs Collection, featuring the beloved Electric Mouse Pokémon with its charming smile, electrifying powers, and playful animations. Various emotions, dances and moments of Pikachu to use in your online chatting. Share the joy and magic of Pikachu with friends worldwide. Let these GIFs brighten your day and capture the essence of this iconic Pokémon.

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79 free animated GIF pics of Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Cute running Pikachu pixel art GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Happy emotion, hello

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is dancing on the scene

Pikachu GIFs

No way GIF emotion by Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is lifting the bar GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Looped dab dance of Pikachu GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Hooray I’m happy!

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is licking an ice cream GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Disappointed emotion

Pikachu GIFs

Hello, I am Pikachu!

Pikachu GIFs

Morning exercises with Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Crying emotion

Pikachu GIFs

Laughing emoji of Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pixel art Pikachu is charging its electricity GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Let’s pet Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Laughing GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu makes parodies of other pokemons

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is peeking out and laughing

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu shocked GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu in ketchup heaven

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu loves ketchup!

Pikachu GIFs

Lovely ketchup and heart-eyes of Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu muzzle simple GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu surf GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is preparing an electric blast

Pikachu GIFs

Super cute emotion from Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

A pack of Pikachus is charging a giant electric beam

Pikachu GIFs

Smiling face with a cold sweat emoji by Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is eating GIF

Pikachu GIFs

An army of Pikachus and one Raichoo cute GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Let’s go this way

Pikachu GIFs

Two dancing Pikachus

Pikachu GIFs

Eight happy Pikachus. Party, cheering, congratulation vibe

Pikachu GIFs

Two funny eating Pikachus

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachus are rubbing each other’s cheeks

Pikachu GIFs

Pixel art of Pikachu, drawing process

Pikachu GIFs

Washing dishes is funny with Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Detective Pikachu is playing with purple chemistry

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is spinning on the chair

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu and Raichu life-size puppets dancing in the blue mist

Pikachu GIFs

Pokemon Pikachu review 360 degrees

Pikachu GIFs

You must get me outta here, now!

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is hanging in the sky on 4 blue balloons

Pikachu GIFs

Lovely present for Pikachu, it’s Christmas time

Pikachu GIFs

Pokemon Pika screensaver GIF, pixel art style

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is evading particles

Pikachu GIFs

3D musical Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Funny nodding Pikachu on the blue background

Pikachu GIFs

Speaking detective Pikachu GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Psyduck and Pikachu in the city

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is running and charging its electric attack on Mewtwo

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu disappears in flames

Pikachu GIFs

It’s detective Pikachu screensaver GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu can make a light bulb glowing

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is flying using lots of balloons, beautiful wallpaper GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is a good boy

Pikachu GIFs

So cute and happy Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Running on a grass GIF

Pikachu GIFs

Little and grown up Pikachus

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu plays with pokeball

Pikachu GIFs

Where should I go – left or right?

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu and Ash moment

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is wearing Ash’s hat

Pikachu GIFs

Electrifying GIF of Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Epic moment from the pokemaster competition

Pikachu GIFs

Garland powered up by Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu farted and is trying to make the smell disappear faster, funny GIF

Pikachu GIFs

There’s no more ketchup, sad Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is licking ketchup from the bottle

Pikachu GIFs

Evil emotion of Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu shows its tonque teasing you

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is making funny faces

Pikachu GIFs

Scared emotion of Pikachu

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu in wonderfull glitter

Pikachu GIFs

Poipole and Pikachu are having fun together

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is walking on a ball

Pikachu GIFs

Let’s check out this portal

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is training on a treadmill

Pikachu GIFs

Pikachu is rolling down the children’s slide