Our GIFs: We offer a collection of GIFs for your enjoyment. Some of these GIFs are created by our team and can be recognized by the watermark “USAGIF.com” (or “ACEGIF.com” which is our former domain name) in the lower right corner, and it looks like this: Copyright Policy - USAGIF.com. We also host a collection of GIFs from open sources that are believed to be in the public domain or available under open licenses.

Usage: You are welcome to use our GIFs for non-commercial purposes, such as in social media, online communication, reports, blogs, and more. If you find our GIFs useful, we’d appreciate a backlink to USAGIF.com.

Commercial Use: If you wish to use any of our GIFs for commercial purposes, please do so at your own risk. We do not claim copyright over the source videos from which some GIFs are made. All rights for source videos belong to their respective owners.

Restrictions: Please do not use our watermarked GIFs to create collections of animated images for another website or application. Doing so may result in us taking action against that website or app.

Hotlinking: You may hotlink to our GIFs, but excessive bandwidth use might result in blocking. Alternatively, you can download the GIF and host it on your server. If you hotlink, we kindly ask for a backlink to the specific GIF page or to USAGIF.com.

Copyright Concerns: If you believe a GIF on our site infringes upon your copyright, please contact us by email. We are committed to addressing such concerns promptly.

Disclaimer: While we strive to ensure that all GIFs on our site respect copyright laws, we cannot guarantee the copyright status of every GIF. We rely on our users and the broader community to notify us of potential copyright issues.