Our collection of Juneteenth GIFs celebrates this historic and significant holiday! Juneteenth commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. On June 19, 1865, Union troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, bringing news of the Emancipation Proclamation and effectively ending slavery in the last Confederate state. It’s a day to honor freedom, reflect on the struggles and triumphs of the black community, and embrace unity and progress. Our GIFs capture the spirit of Juneteenth, showcasing joy, resilience, and cultural pride. So join us in commemorating this momentous occasion and spreading the message of equality and freedom through our Juneteenth animated greeting cards and GIFs collection.

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19 animated greeting cards of Juneteenth

Juneteenth GIFs

Epic celebration of Juneteenth with flags and fireworks

Juneteenth GIFs

Happy Juneteenth GIF

Juneteenth GIFs

Unity of Juneteenth

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth greeting card with lots of fireworks

Juneteenth GIFs

Fight for your rights! A boy and a girl are on this Juneteenth GIF

Juneteenth GIFs

June 19th is Juneteenth as the calendar tells us

Juneteenth GIFs

GIF of an awesome concert on Juneteenth, Freedom Day

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth 1865

Juneteenth GIFs

Just an animated white Juneteenth inscription on a black background, simple greeting card

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth and six black fists

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth Happy Freedom Day

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth neon inscription on a black background

Juneteenth GIFs

King County Equity Juneteenth

Juneteenth GIFs

Flowerish greeting card on a black background

Juneteenth GIFs

GIF representing unity of USA people

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth flag and inscription

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth is time to celebrate, talking with friends and family and educating ourselves

Juneteenth GIFs

Juneteenth – lift every voice and sing

Juneteenth GIFs

Triangle graphics reveal the Juneteenth inscription