Mariah Carey is a famous American performer, living legend, and meme person. Mary, known as the Queen of Christmas, is defrosting every Christmas Eve to reign supreme once more with her All I Want for Christmas song. No one can escape its dominion. So you better share these meme GIFs with your friends and loved ones. We have six of the best GIFs to discover and share.

Best animated GIF pics of Mariah Carey Defrosting meme

Mariah Carey Defrosting GIFs

A crack appears on the glacier dungeon of Mary, soon she will be free and enslave this world with her great Christmas song

Mariah Carey Defrosting GIFs

Cool ice cube breaks and now Mariah Carey is free

Mariah Carey Defrosting GIFs

She opens her eyes and soon she will fully awake

Mariah Carey Defrosting GIFs

Huge iceberg entrapped Mariah Carey, but she’s already defrosting

Mariah Carey Defrosting GIFs

Portrait of Mariah defrosting with a tear on her cheek

Mariah Carey Defrosting GIFs

She freeses until the next Christmas and goes in the ocean in an iceberg