Dive into the swamp of Florida Gators football team with our collection of Gator Chomp GIFs. Witness fans, celebrities, and even pets get into the Gator spirit with this iconic gesture!

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14 animated GIF pictures of Gator Chomp gesture

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Tebow triumphs with iconic Gator Chomp against Oklahoma 🐊💪

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Spirited Gator Chomp performance by cheerleaders 🐊🎉

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Doggie delightfully joins the Gator Chomp craze 🐊🐶

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Crowd immerses in a massive Gator Chomp wave 🐊👥

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Young enthusiast flaunts her Gator Chomp grace 🐊👧

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Reliving the inaugural Gator Chomp at the O’Dome 🐊✨

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Cheerleaders ignite the stadium with Gator Chomp showcase 🐊🏟️

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Gator Chomp takes over the streets

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

A statue-inspired Gator Chomp performance 🐊🗽

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Fans united in a line of Gator Chomp 🐊👬

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Cheerleader jumps with synchronized Gator Chomp

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Florida Gator Chomp meets Tennessee’s Rocky Top

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Family bonding over the Gator Chomp tradition 🐊👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Florida Gator Chomp GIFs

Unleashing the Gator spirit with @FlockCandy 🐊🍬