Independence Day in the United States is celebrated by the fourth of July on the occasion of declaring the independence from the British Empire in 1776. On this day, you can have fun on a variety of entertaining events, go to a picnic with your family, see parades and carnivals and much more. Don’t forget to wish the Happy 4th of July to your friends and relatives! Use our GIFs for this. We have created an animated greeting cards of patriotic mood. Download and share them for free!

Happy 4th of July GIFs

USA Happy Independence Day GIFs - 4th of July Greeting Cards

The Capitol. 4th of July. Independence since 1776. All these inscriptions shine on the background of glitter and stars

USA Happy Independence Day GIFs - 4th of July Greeting Cards

Truly American balloons, stars and stripes flag on the background

USA Happy Independence Day GIFs - 4th of July Greeting Cards

The Statue of Liberty and fireworks on the Happy Independence Day

USA Happy Independence Day GIFs - 4th of July Greeting Cards

Young patriots of America wish you a Happy Independence Day

USA Happy Independence Day GIFs - 4th of July Greeting Cards

Statue of Liberty and beautiful view of the New York of the Fourth of July. Waving US Flag and Fireworks in the Evening Sky

USA Happy Independence Day GIFs - 4th of July Greeting Cards

Beautiful patriotic graphics. Fireworks, balloons and beautiful inscription