Welcome to our Israel Flag GIF collection, where you can find animated images that honor the State of Israel. This flag features a blue hexagram (Star of David) flanked by two horizontal blue stripes near the edges, with a white background. The blue stripes are intended to resemble a Jewish prayer shawl, known as a “tallit”, while the Star of David is a widely recognized symbol of Judaism. By sharing these GIFs, you’re not just waving a flag; you’re also celebrating the rich history and culture of Israel. Whether you want to show your support, commemorate a national holiday, these GIFs serve as a powerful visual tool.

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15 unique free animated GIF pictures of Israeli flag

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

High resolution GIF of a flag of Israel

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Fluttering flag on an old flagpole

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Intensely fluttering flag against the cloudy skies

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Animated star of David

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Nice and even flag of Israel fluttering in the wind

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Silky feel attached to this waving flag

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Fluttering flag of Israel on a green screen

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Flag of Israel fluttering against the grey background

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Vertical GIF of a real footage of a flag of Israel

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Star of David just rolling into the flag

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Wooden flagpole and a nice Israeli flag

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Animated graphics of the flag against the sunny background

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

Flag full of shadows

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

A girl covered with Israel flag, and the inscription reads “I stand with Israel”

Israel Waving Flag GIFs

“We stand with Israel” Israel and USA flag