Hanukkah is a bright Jewish holiday when we light candles and sit down at the table with our family. Taste the food and thank God for saving Israel in a past difficult time. Sages also send animated GIFs to their relatives and friends to say “Happy Hanukkah!” We invite you to do the same, here you’ll find 18 unique greeting cards. Share on any social network!
Animated Hanukkah Greeting Cards

The various attributes of Hanukkah are brought together in this gif. Lots of light, treats and shining stars

A Jewish man lights the last candle on a candlestick. Stars of David are falling from heaven. Happy Hanukkah!

The Hanukkah spinning top is spinning, the candles are on, the Torah has been read, and treats are waiting

Cute teddy bear wishes you a happy Hanukkah. All the attributes of this holiday are included, the bonus is snowfall
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