The solar system is our common home, in which the Earth, the Sun and other planets are located. They revolve around the center of the system: the Sun. Each planet has its size, color, rotation period around the sun and many other parameters. Look at our GIF images of the Solar System and you will understand how it works. Download for free!
GIFs Solar system and planets

This is what happens in the solar system in one earthly year. The proportions of the planets are not met

3D model of the solar system. The proportions of the planets are met. The names of the planets are written below. These are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto did not fit

The planets of the solar system are lined up so that you can compare their sizes. Earth is the third planet from the sun

Comparison of the two theories – heliocentrism and geocentrism. How would the planets rotate if the Earth were at the center of the system

The solar system does not stand still, it rotates around the center of the galaxy. The speed of the solar system is 240 kilometers per second. It’s not very fast by space standards. After all, the center of the galaxy is 26,000 light years away!
GIF images of all planets of the solar system in order of distance from the Sun
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