Explore our collection of candle GIFs. From single flames to groups of candles, each one brings a unique glow and warmth. Perfect for adding a cozy touch to your day, as a screensaver on your Youtube or Twitch channel, or for creating a unique greeting card.

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27 free animated GIF pictures of burning candles

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Close-up on a candle’s passionate dance

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Twin flames, beautifully alight

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Five candles, a symphony of light

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Festive glow amidst Christmas cheer

Beautiful Candle GIFs

A final whisper before darkness

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Glowing red, a solitary warmth

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Close-up on tranquility’s still flame

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Sacred lights awaken in unison

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Serenity in a candle’s brief flicker 🕯️

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Encircling light, a unity of flames

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Bright flame, burning with purpose

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Celebrate with cake aglow

Beautiful Candle GIFs

A harmonious lineup of flickering lights

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Candle’s flame, gently swaying

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Lone candle, a fading memory

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Trio of elegance, softly glowing

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Enveloped in a candle’s embrace

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Whimsical candle, cheerfully ablaze

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Solitude of a candle on a saucer

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Six flames against a crimson backdrop

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Luminous celebration of a birthday

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Fourth Advent’s joyful candles. We have a full set of Advent greeting cards on USAGIF.com!

Beautiful Candle GIFs

A book’s quiet companion is the candle

Beautiful Candle GIFs

A cat Pusheen’s birthday celebration 🎂

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Advent candles, a quartet of light

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Hanukkah’s vibrant candle light

Beautiful Candle GIFs

Feline fun on a birthday bash