Free animated GIF collection based on Bad Santa movie, a one-of-a-king Christmas comedy classic. Check out Bad Santa in all his glory: drunk, disgusting, unkind. But also we have a pretty nice GIFs of smiling and laughing Bad Santa for any occasion in this collection.

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25 free animated GIF pictures of Bad Santa

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa, redefining holiday etiquette

Bad Santa GIFs

Arcade antics with Bad Santa and his demo-version of making love to an arcade machine

Bad Santa GIFs

Cheers to Santa’s holiday spirits, another shot of vodka consumed

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s not-so-jolly beatdown

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s reacing to his secret back pocket stash

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s solo drinking party

Bad Santa GIFs

You are pathetic, Bad Santa said

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s smoke break

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s walk with his dwarf teammate

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s had enough holiday cheer

Bad Santa GIFs

Bar-side confessions with Santa

Bad Santa GIFs

Rare moment: Bad Santa’s genuine smile

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s ‘just got coal’ face

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa vs Donkey: Guess who won?

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s not-so-merry street surprise

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s wild police chase adventure

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s ‘Please, not the naughty list!’ moment

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s diet: Okay, maybe sandwiches

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s chuckle before the holiday blues

Bad Santa GIFs

Little kid says ok

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s flirty ho-ho-holiday vibes

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s “F..k me” moment

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s escalator ride to nowhere

Bad Santa GIFs

Ice cream disaster: Bad Santa edition

Bad Santa GIFs

Santa’s “what’s happening?” face